Package 'offarray'

Title: Arrays with non-1 offsets
Description: Arrays with non-1 offsets
Authors: Mark V. Bravington <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Mark V. Bravington <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=2)
Version: 2.0.70
Built: 2025-02-16 04:30:42 UTC

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How to use the offarray package


offarray is like a regular array (or matrix, or vector) but its indices do not have to start at +1. So that, for example:

  dumbo <- offarray( 1:4, dim=c( 2, 2), first=c( 3, 5))
  #       [,5] [,6]
  #  [3,]    1    3
  #  [4,]    2    4
  dumbo[4,6] # 4

You can of course have character indices (names / dimnames), too. See offarray for more detail. Use autoloop to get fast for-loop-functionality; nested for-loops over offarray objects are just toooo slow. There is a vignette for autoloop, but "technical difficulties" mean that for now you can only view it via:

  RShowDoc( "autoloop", package="offarray") # PDF
  # or
  RShowDoc( "autoloop", type="html", package="offarray") # HTML

I find offarray absolutely indispensible, especially for population dynamics work where datasets do not normally begin at birth-of-Christ, and ages often are only tracked above some non-1 value. If you are a misguided C nut who believes fervently that all array indices should all start at 0, you may love it too, albeit for the wrong reasons...

NB indices do still have to be increasing integer sequences with stepsize 1; it's only the starting-point that you can tweak.

Byte compiler quirks are now automatically worked around

I have fixed things in v2.0, so you don't have to read this bit...

Subassignments, eg x[i,j]<-y, used to lead to a problematic interaction between package offarray and the default behaviour of R's byte-compiler. Therefore, old versions of offarray (eg v1.1.x) used to turn off the byte-compiler automatically immediately before offarray itself was loaded, via a devious trick in package nobcom.

It turns out that R's byte-compiler subtly changes the way subassignment (an R nightmare!) is handled, compared to uncompiled execution eg at the command-line. After years of wondering about this in the absence of any information, in 2023 I eventually found a rather well-concealed explanation (p73 of "A Byte Code Compiler for R" by Luke Tierney, 23/08/2023). This behaviour is apparently by design.

Loopless array calculations


Suppose you basically want to write some for-loops to fill in an entire (off)array, and you could easily write the loops and the innermost expression in C. But you can't really write the loops in R, because they would take forever, and you don't want to resort to C because it's a hideous PITA. Instead, you can do it all in R with one call to autoloop, which "does all the loops at once". You just need to say what the loop-indices are (they will also form the dimensions of the result), and what the expression(s)-to-evaluate are (i.e. the "meat" of the "for-loop sandwich"). You can also automatically sum over some indices that aren't needed in the final result. You can return several offarray variables from one call to autoloop.

Thus autoloop lets you easily and quickly do e.g. generalized dot products, without writing for-loops or contorting yourself to somehow vectorize all the expressions in direct R terms (something that I find excruciatingly difficult); see Examples, and the vignette "Fast loops with offarrays". (For now, you have to do that with RShowDoc("autoloop",package="offarray").

autoloop is fast, and also (tries to...) give you nice informative error messages when you screw up— e.g., what the offending index values are— which you won't get with base-R. (There is also a debugging facility: see below.) I strongly recommended using autoloop as much as possible to replace for-loops, at least with offarray. However, you can't always avoid some for-looping, and that's fine. One situation is population-dynamics with an annual time step, as per Examples. The section Rules belwo lists a few restrictions (e.g. no if, though you can use ifelse), and gives tips on coding style (how to avoid ifelse ...); see also the vignette mentioned above.

The SUMOVER argument that lets you automatically "contract" the result(s) just before returning, by summing over certain loop variables (generalizing rowSums and colSums). This lets you do a matrix-multiply in one step:

  # NB this uses base-R matrices, not offarrays; either would work
  M1 <- matrix( 1:6, 2, 3)
  M2 <- matrix( 10+1:12, 3, 4)
  prod <- autoloop(
    I=1:2, J=1:4,
    SUMOVER=list( K=1:3),
    M1[I,K] * M2[K,J]
  ) # same as M1 %*% M2

You can also do a contraction manually in a second step, by calling sumover(), although that's less efficient; sometimes it's unavoidable, though, e.g. when you want the denominator for Bayes' theorem. See (future) vignette.

autoloop is designed for speed and for economy of memory use, especially when you're contracting over temporary indices. It does a whole bunch of calcuations with a single R operation in a vectorized way, but only in chunks of size .BLOCKSIZE. The latter's default should be OK, but you might be able to get a speed-up by tweaking it to your particular case.

For convenience, if you are repeatedly using the same large set of indices in multiple autoloop calls, you may want to pre-assign them to a list called eg all_my_indices and use autoloop( indices=all_my_indices, <expr>).


The error messages from autoloop aren't always perfectly informative; I'm working on that, but sometimes you will just get something that is not obvious. So, what then?

First, I always use my debug package to debug things, because it's Just Better. And, frankly, so should you... so the assumption here is that you are using it. Anyway, when you've gotten an puzzling situation inside a call to autoloop, it's not easy to figure out what's going on by simply doing mtrace(autoloop); the execution of (a modified version of) your code doesn't happen until deep inside the code of autoloop itself. To make things easier, do the following immediately before executing the offending autoloop call: mtrace(eval_autoloop_guts). Then it will step (almost) directly into your code, doing a block of loop-indices at once. Note that your code will appear slightly modified (mainly for array accesses); that's deliberate. All your statements will (or should) return vectors, by design. Remember to do mtrace(eval_autoloop_guts,F) after you have come out.

It's possible that the same technique will work with browse or other inferior debugging tools :)


What can you do/not-do in an autoloop expr? Well, you can think of each statement within your expr as an assignment operation in C, nested within for-loops. At the end of each evaulation of expr, each returned variable (or the very last assignment, if there is no explicit return) is stored into an array of the same name, at the element shown by the indices. Thus, this call in R:

  Y <- autoloop( i=1:5, j=2:6, {
      divij <- b[ i] / c[j]
      i*j + divij

is functionally equivalent to the following C code:

  for( i=1; i<=5; i++)
    for( j=2; j<=6; j++){
      double divij = b(i) / c(j);
      double RETURNO = i*j + divij;
      // Store the returned value(s); just one in this case
      Y(i,j) = RETURNO;

Here's an example with SUMOVER, a simple dot-product:

  Y <- autoloop( i=1:5, SUMOVER=list( j=7:9), x[ i,j] * p[j] )

In C, this would be:

  for( i=1; i<=5; i++){
    double SUM = 0;
    for( j=7; j<=9; j++){
      SUM += x(i,j) * p( j);
    Y( i) = SUM;

These analogies covers most situations. Under the hood, however, the calculations in R are not scalar; they are automatically vectorized (with some magic so that array accesses work as shown), and the casting of all the results into offarray format only happens after all the loops are complete. This has some implications for what you can and can't write inside expr. I won't try to give an exhaustive set of rules here, but here's a few pointers:

  • Every statement must be a <- assignment to a variable that looks like a scalar (no subassignments etc).

  • You can't use if (nor for, while, repeat, break, next); you can use ifelse instead, but see the vignette for guidance.

  • If any functions are called, they should accept vectorized arguments—apart from any arguments that are fixed outside the loop, such as in dpois( x, y, log=TRUE)— and should return a vector result of the same length.

  • Each statement can refer to index variables, to variables known in the calling environment, and to "scalars" created by earlier statements within expr. But you can't do eg { Y <- i+j; X <- Y[j]} because (if it actually meant anything...) it would be treating Y as not-a-scalar. Y only gets turned into an offarray after all the loops are completed.

  • References to arrays (matrices, vectors) must specify all indices individually; x[i,j,k] is good, x[] or x[,j,k] or x[cbind(i,j)] are not.

  • Subscripting of arrays/matrices/vectors can use numeric and character indices (the latter only if the relevant dimnames exists), but not logical indices: x[i>j] won't work, because it is really a function-call but does not necessarily return a result the same length as i and j.

  • You probably can't use %*%.

Basically, if you try something fancy and it doesn't work, that means you shouldn't be doing it. Do something else instead!


For those familiar with R's outer function: autoloop is conceptually similar, but generalized and generally better. Its modus operandi is similar to outer, and amounts to almost this:

  • use expand.grid to make a data.frame holding all combinations of indices;

  • use substitute to ensure array lookups are handled correctly;

  • eval to apply expr to the entire data.frame at once, without loops;

  • add dimension info etc to each returnee, to turn it into an offarray.

The main practical difference to that, is that partial_expand_dot_grid (qv) is used to ensure that only a few thousand combinations of indices are handled at once. That minimizes memory problems in large offarrays, especially but not only when SUMOVER is used.

The trick for handling array lookups, is to replace x[i,j] with something close to x[cbind(i,j)], which works automatically with R's matrix-subscripting-of-arrays mechanism (something which is too-little-known; it's buried deep in ?Extract). There is an equivalent in offarray, via MATSUB. The details in autoloop are a little bit more complicated, but that's the idea.


## See examples; this formal version of USAGE makes no sense !
## Normally eg:
## autoloop( AGE=<something>, YEAR=<something>,
##   { <multi-part expression involving AGE and YEAR> }
## )
autoloop(expr, ..., indices=list(), SUMOVER=list(),
  single_object= NA, offarray_wanted= TRUE,
sumover( x, mm, drop=FALSE)
eval_autoloop_guts( expr, envir) ## NEVER call this yourself!!



Expression to evaluate— think of it as the body of a function whose arguments are the dotty-args. It should return either one vector argument, or a named list of vector arguments.


Named subscript ranges, eg A=1:5, B=c( "CAT", "DOG")


Instead of/as well as ..., you can supply a bunch of subscripts all-in-one, as a list. This is handy when you are repeatedly using similar sets of indices; see Examples.


named list of additional subscript ranges, included in the loops for evaluation but summed-over before the result is returned. Don't duplicate them with ....


Normally you can ignore this, and just let autoloop deduce whether expr is returning just one (unnamed) object, or a (named) list containing several objects. However, if expr does return a single object, then it is always safe to set single_object=TRUE, and you should definitely do so if expr returns a single object that is (or might be) a named list.


whether the returned object(s) should be offarray, or just regular array/matrix/vector(s).


(sumover) an offarray, or at any rate something with named dimnames.


(sumover) which dimensions to sum over; either a character vector with elements in names(dimnames( x)), or a numeric vector.


(sumover) as per standard R usage, but default is FALSE here because that's better. NB that drop will always preserve offarray-ness (unless all dimensions are contracted), so the dim attribute will not necessarily disappear even if it "could".


how many "cases" (different "rows" aka different sets of values from the subscript ranges) to do at once. Avoids memory barfing. Too small (eg 1e3) seems to slow things down; too big could cause barfing. Default should be fine.


how many seconds to let pass before reporting on progress. 0 or silly value means don't report.

expr, envir

not your business, since you won't be calling eval_autoloop_guts yourself...


autoloop returns one or more offarrays with dimensions ranging over the input subscripts (except the ones in SUMOVER). The result is always an offarray even if all first elements are 1. If expr returns a list (which must be named), then a list of offarrays with the same names will be returned; extract.named then conveniently creates all corresponding arrays in the caller's environment. sumover returns an offarray (or an array if the input was not an offarray), or a scalar iff all dimensions are summed over.


library( mvbutils) # for extract.named, cq, etc; already imported
# Normal offarray creation:
directo <- offarray( 0, dimseq=list( A=1:3, B=cq( CAT, DOG)))
# Or you can do it with autoloop!
quicko <- autoloop( A=1:3, B=cq( CAT, DOG), 0)
# Simplissimo (though using return(), which is often unnecessary):
cicada <- autoloop( A=1:5, Y=1:3, {
  cohort <- Y-A # an intermediate statement
return( cohort %% 17)
# Offarray:
cohort <- autoloop( A=0:3, Y=2000:2001, {
# Two variables at once:
extract.named( autoloop( A=0:2, Y=2000:2001, {
  cohort <- Y-A
  weird <- Y %% A
returnList( cohort, weird)
# 'indices' feature. Should be same as 'cohort' above.
A_and_Y <- list( A=0:2, Y=2000:2001)
alt_cohort <- autoloop( indices=A_and_Y, {
# Lookup:
B <- outer( 1:5, 1:3, '*')
weird2 <- autoloop( A=2:4, Y=1:2, {
return( B[ A, Y]) # ie ALL combos of A & Y
# Dot-product: C[i,k] := A[i,j] %[j]% B[j,k] in vecless
A <- matrix( 1:12, 3, 4)
B <- matrix( 1:8, 4, 2)
A %*% B
C <- autoloop( I=1:3, K=1:2, SUMOVER=list( J=1:4), {
  A[ I, J] * B[ J, K]
# Errors
yy <- offarray( 0, dimseq=list( 3:4, 5:6))
try( autoloop( i=3:5, j=5:6, yy[ i,j])) # OOB
try( autoloop( i=3:5, j=5:6, yy[ rep( i, 2), rep( j, 2)])) # weird length
try( autoloop( i=3:5, j=5:6, yy[ i, rep( j, 3)])) # one weird length
try( autoloop( i=3:4, j=5:6, yy[ i,j+'word'])) # WHAT were you THINKING?
try( autoloop( i=3:4, j=5:6, yy[ i])) # wrong number of indices
try( autoloop( i=3:4, j=5:6,
    yy[ expression(),environment()])) # general craziness
try( autoloop( i=3:4, j=5:6, meaning_of_life))
# Old-style:
CCold <- autoloop( I=1:3, J=1:4, K=1:2, {
  A[ I, J] * B[ J, K]
Cold <- sumover( CCold, 'J')
# autoloop() inside for-loop (eg for population dynamics)
# Also, idiomatic
YMIN <- 2010
YMAX <- 2014
YEARS <- 2010:2014
AMIN <- 2
APLUS <- 5
N <- offarray( 0, dimseq=list( Y=YEARS, A=AGES))
# Some random margins...
N[ YMIN,] <- runif( length( AGES)) # !!!
N[ , AMIN] <- runif( length( YEARS)) # !!!
# ... and mortality rates...
Z <- 0*N + runif( length( N)) # !!!
# Fill in the pop dyn, each year depending on previous
for( y in (YMIN+1) %upto% YMAX){
  nextN <- autoloop( A=(AMIN+1) %upto% APLUS,
    N[ y-1, A-1] * exp( -Z[ y-1, A-1]) +
    # ... maybe add plus-group, or 0 if not
    (A==APLUS) * (
      N[ y-1, A] * exp( -Z[ y-1, A])
  N[ y, (AMIN+1) %upto% APLUS] <- nextN

Arrays with non-1 offsets


An offarray is an array where (some) indices may not start at 1. Easiest example is

  dumbo <- offarray( 1:6, dimseq=list( X=4:6, Y=c( 'aleph', 'beth'))
  print( dumbo)
  # now e.g. dumbo[ 5, 'aleph'] will give 2

Things should "just work" as you expect. However, compared to base-R and to the Oarray package which inspired offarray, there are a few things that might trip you up. The comprehensive list below looks much worse than it actually is; after the first 3, you might do better to simply read the EXAMPLES.

  • For speedy loop operations on offarray objects, you should definitely use autoloop rather than writing nested for-loops; it's much faster and no harder.

  • from v2.0 onwards, offarray and autoloop code should be compatible with package RTMB, with one tiiiiny modification. You will also need to load the package offartmb.

  • To pass an offarray to some existing R array/matrix routine, you may need to as.array it first to switch to 1-based indexing (basically if that R code is gonna subset it explicitly), or just c it the dimensions are irrelevant. That depends on the other code, and it's up to you to figure out. (One example is matplot; another, which I might eventually try to fix, is apply, as per Examples.)

Behind the scenes, each offarray has an attribute "offset", a vector which holds the lowest index value for that dimension. You shouldn't need to access the offset directly, andbut there are helper routines to help you with relevant stuff. See Utility functions below.

As in base-R, you can also use character subscripts in an offarray, for any dimension that has non-empty dimnames.

  • If you subscript a dimension-that-has-dimnames with a number (as opposed to a character), then it will behave just like a normal R dimension, with negative number meaning "drop this element" etc. (Internally, the offset for such a dimension is stored as NA. You can also set an NA offset for any dimension, to make it behave (almost) exactly like a regular R subscript; it's not quite the same as setting the offset to 1, as shown in Examples.)

Now we get into more detailed stuff:

  • Negative offsets are interpreted just like positive ones, so x[-1] means "give me the minus-one-th element of x". (It's not that weird; there are plenty of algorithms where indices can be negative, e.g. Wynn's epsilon method which naturally start at index -1). In base-R, on the other hand, x[-1] means "discard the first element of x". To get the base-R behaviour in one specific dimension, you can set its offset to NA.

  • Subset-extraction keeps (and adjusts if necessary) each non-NA offset, provided that its corresponding subset is increasing and consecutive. Thus, in a 1D case, x[2] and x[2][2] and x[2][2][2] will always return the same thing, whereas base-R would give NAs after the first; and after y <- x[2], the offset of y will be 2.

  • Subsetting with a non consecutive-increasing index, eg x[c(5,5),] or x[5:4,,], will set the corresponding offset to NA. This will trigger a warning unless the offset was NA already, or you have explicitly told R to do it via NOOF; see Examples.

  • As in base-R, the idiom x[] still returns all of x, as an offarray. And an "explicitly missing" subset, such as the first index in x[,5:6], means "all of that dimension".

  • By default, dimensions are not dropped, so that x[5,3,4:6] will still return a 3D offarray. Use x[ SLICE=5, SLICE=3, 4:6] to drop those two dimensions, to give you 1D 3-element offarray. You can set the additional argument drop=TRUE to auto-slice, which is convenient if there's several such indices.

  • Vector (1D) subsets are available that work like R's normal "treat the whole array as a 1-indexed vector, then extract the specified elements". They are indicated by x[ VECSUB=1:5] <- 17 or x[ VECSUB=x>0]. The return value is always just a vector, of the same type as x. Note that, if x is a vector (of class offarray), then x[1:5] treats the 1:5 relative to the offset (so if the offset is -3, x[1:5] would take the 5th–9th elements), whereas x[VECSUB=1:5] always takes the first five elements.

  • Matrix-subsetting works (and respects any non-NA offsets), but you need to tell R you want it, via x[ MATSUB=mymat]. If some of your dimensions are character-index rather than numeric-index, you can use a data.frame or even list (one element per dimension) instead of a numeric matrix, again with x[ MATSUB=my_list_or_data.frame]. The return value is always just a vector, of the same type as x.

  • Logical subsets (which must be the same length as the corresponding dimension) are first mapped to numeric ones, then the above rules are applied.

  • Character-indexed dimensions, ie with non-NULL dimnames (of mode character, of course) can be mixed with normal integer-indexed ones, just like in base R. You can subset from character-indexed dimensions using either characters (safer and clearer) or logicals or integers; if integers are used, they always are treated as starting from 1, ie you can't set a non-1 offset for character-indexed dimensions. The offset for such dimensions will be NA; as noted above, you can also specify offset NA for non-character-indexed dimensions, so that they are subsettable just like base-R.

  • There are some weird subsetting options allowed in base-R, that produce IMO inconsistent and unuseful results. I have generally banned these in offarray, to protect you from yourself! One example is subset-values that are NA or 0 or out-of-range; in offarray, they produce errors. (Except, you can of course use 0 as a perfectly legimimate index provided that the corresponding offset is zero or negative.)

  • If any subset is non-empty and zero-length, the return value is a zero-length vector of the same type as x, eg from x[rep(F,length(x))] or x[integer(0)].

  • Subset-replacement, eg x[5:6,i2>0], follows the same rules, mutatis mutandum.

  • apply generally works, but if the result is 1D, its vector

Constructing and deconstructing an offarray

You can construct an offarray directly from numeric (or other atomic) values, much like you would a normal array. The easiest way is usually by setting the dimseq argument (which then bypasses all other arguments except the values x), like so:

  test <- offarray( 1:6, dimseq=list( X=3:5, Y=c( 'A', 'b')))

which means the first dimension ("X"), is numeric-indexed with offset 3, and the second ("Y") is character-indexed.

If you just want a dimension to behave like base-R (ie starting at 1 but with negative subscripts meaning "drop"), but not to have dimnames, then the following will work (by magically setting the offset for that dimension to NA):

  test <- offarray( 1:6, dimseq=list( X=3:5, Y=character( 2)))

Instead of dimseq, you can specify dim/first/last directly; any 2 of the 3 should do, and they will be sanity-checked. However, if any dimension is supposed to be character-indexed, you'd also need to pass dimnames=list(<something>) too— so, just using dimseq=... is usually easier.

For a 1D offarray, you can use a vector dimseq instead of a list of length 1. For example:

  eco <- offarray( runif( 4), dimseq=0:3)
  # same as
  veco <- offarray( runif( 4), dimseq=list( 0:3))

To "deconstruct", as.array has a method for offarray objects. Unless make_dimnames==FALSE, it turns all the numeric dimensions with non-NA offsets into character dimnames that incorporate the offset— so you can see what the original indices were. I prefer this to unclass for technical reasons, but unclass should also work.

You can also convert directly to an offarray from a table (ie something returned by table()) or from a data.frame. Technically, those two cases are S3 methods for the generic "constructor" function offarray(). Note that table might not give you the full ranges you expect, if there are no observations in categories where you might expect some. The safest solution is to add the dimseq argument explicitly; see Examples.

The almost-inverse to offarray( <data.frame>) is which has a method for offarray objects; see Examples. Technically: the output is a data.frame with one column per dimension of the input, plus a column for the contents, which will be called "response" unless you set the name_of_response argument. The other columns will have names "D1", "D2", etc, unless either (i) the input has a named dimnames attribute, in which the names will be used, or (ii) the argument "add_names" is set to a character vector naming the dimensions. If the input has any dimnames, then its non-NULL elements will be used in place of 1,2,3,... etc for the entries in the corresponding columns. Character dimnames are kept as character columns in the output, never converted to horrible factors— regardless of stringsAsFactors.

offarray offers partial support for naming your dimnames. For example, if your first dimension is Sex and your second dimension is Age, you can create your offarray like this:

  myoff <- offarray( ....., dimnames=list( SEX=c( 'F', 'M'), AGE=NULL))

the NULL signifying that Age is numeric. autoloop will always do this, and sumover expects names-of-dimnames. However, I'm not sure whether absolutely every operation on offarray object will propagate names-of-dimnames correctly.

If you don't name the dimnames, then offarray will try to figure them out from any names supplied in the vector arguments first, last, and/or dim; it will also check that any such names are consistent with each other, and with names-of-dimnames if the latter is supplied. For example:

  myoff <- offarray( ..., first=c( SEX=1, 0), last=c( 2, AGE=20),
      dimnames=list( c( 'F', 'M'), NULL)

will work, and will produce an offarray with names-of-dimnames SEX and AGE respectively. But this next one won't work, because there's a name clash:

  myoff <- offarray( 1:42, first=c( SEX=1, 0), last=c( GENDER=2, AGE=20), dimnames=list( c( 'F', 'M'), NULL))

Calling dim on an offarray will often return a named vector, related to the previous paragraph. This has pros, eg being able to write dim(myoff)["SEX"] or dimseq(x)$SEX, but potentially also cons, eg due to R's habit of augmenting names when things are joined via c(). Time will tell whether it was a wise decision.

Utility functions

firstel (and firstel<-), lastel, dimrange, and dimseq are convenience functions for getting the range of an array index, without you having to faff around with offsets directly. They work with regular arrays/matrices, as well as offarray objects. Note dimseq(x)[[i]] returns seq_len(dim(x)[i]) if dimnames(x)[i] is NULL and attr(x,"offset")[i] is NA. Watch out if you're going to put the results back into another call to offarray— see which and EXAMPLES. To set the offset manually, you can do eg firstel(x,3)<-5 or firstel(x)<-c(3,6) (set both offsets of a 2D offarray) or firstel(x,4)<-NA (to set base-R-style subscripting for the 4th dimension). To set a non-NA offset for some dimension, there must be no dimnames for that dimension (since character-indexed dimensions must always have an NA offset), so eg dimnames(x)[[3]]<-NULL;firstel(x,3)<-10 would be the safe if weird way.

slindoff is the analog of slice.index for offarrays, returning values in the "coordinate system" of the offarray. I deliberately haven't tried to make slice.index generic since— as far as reasonably possible— "standard" operations on offarrays, i.e. ops that don't need to know about offarray-ness, should just work.

whichoff is like which( x, arr.ind=TRUE, useNames=FALSE) but returns a matrix with x-like dimensions (ie the offsets are incorporated). Thus you can use the result to matrix-subset x, ie via x[MATSUB=<result of whichoff>]). Note that "for technical reasons" you usually need to supply the logical operation as a second argument, rather than doing it "inline" as you would with which; see Examples.

Specific methods for offarray class are currently: subset (eg X[...]); subset-replacement (eg X[...] <- Y); as.array; print; t (transpose); aperm; str (which calls strguts.offarray); rev; head and tail (which preserve offarray-ness for 1D and 2D offarrays, but act otherwise like normal head and tail); dim<- & dimnames<- which avoid problems caused by base-R's treatment of dim; and Also, pmax and pmin are modified to be offarray-aware.

See also autoloop for a convenient loop-free way to vectorize some computations on offarrays (and on standard arrays).


  • row and col don't work properly even with 2D offarrays.

  • Even 1D offarray objects, which are like vectors "really", still have a dim attribute.


# Don't read this--- look at EXAMPLES and ARGUMENTS
offarray( x, ...) # generic
## Default S3 method:
offarray( x= NA, first = rep(1L, length(dim)),
  last = first + dim - 1L, dim = NULL, dimnames = NULL,
  dimseq, ...) # S3 method for default
## S3 method for class 'table'
offarray( x, template=NULL, dimseq=NULL,
    warn_trim=getOption( "offarray_table_warn_trim", FALSE),
    ...) # S3 method for table
## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
offarray( x, data.col, ...) # S3 method for data.frame
## S3 method for class 'offarray' x, row.names=NULL, optional= NULL, add_names = NULL,
    name_of_response = "response", ...) # S3 method for offarray
## S3 method for class 'offarray'
as.array( x, ..., make_dimnames=TRUE) # S3 method for offarray
firstel( x, which=NULL)
firstel( x, i) <- value
lastel( x, which=NULL)
dimrange( x, which=NULL)
dimseq( x, which=NULL, drop=TRUE)
slindoff( offa, MARGIN)
whichoff( x, expr=.)
strguts.offarray( x)



(offarray.default) elements of the array, as per matrix or array; or a table or data.frame, in which case the converter method will be called. In all other functions documented here, x should be an existing offarray.

first, last, dim

set any 2 out of these 3— obvious meaning, as per array. If any of these has names, then these names will also be applied to dimnames, and will print on output. For character-indexed dimensions (ie with non-null dimnames), first must be 1 and last must be the number of elements.


Set this only if you want one or more indices to be primarily "character-addressed" (eg sex being "F" or "M"). It's OK to have some null ones, eg dimnames=list( Year=NULL, Sex=c( "F", "M")).


You can use this to set up an offarray directly— it's often the easiest way. It should always be a list.See dimseq details for more info; you could also get it from calling dimseq on another offarray.


( which column should become the contents of the offarray


(offarray.table) template can be an existing offarray, in which the result will have the same dimensions. This gets round the issue that table won't return index-values that don't occur in that particular dataset, but which might in other similar datasets. Alternatively, dimseq lets you specify the output dimensions directly, just as you would for offarray itself; I think you can use dimseq=dimseq(mytemp) instead of template=mytemp.


(offarray.table) if template or dimseq is supplied and x has some dimensions which don't fully fit into the desired output, x will be trimmed to fit; this parameter controls whether a warning is issued (and you can use options(warn=2) to force a crash in that case). In some applications, auto-trimming is good, but in others it's bad; you can control the general behaviour via options(offarray_table_warn_trim=TRUE/FALSE), rather than at every call to offarray<.table>.


( how to set the column names of the results. Should be logical or character, or the default of NULL. NULL uses information in dimnames, including names(dimnames) if those exist; FALSE means the elements will be called 1, 2, 3 etc (as per slice.index), and the columns "D1", "D2", etc, which is also where things end up if NULL doesn't give anything useful. Set to your own character vector if dimnames doesn't help and you want to clearly label the columns.


( what to call the output column that holds the array contents (as opposed to its dimensions).


( as per data.frame()

optional, ...

ignored; present only for compatibility with generic S3 definitions.


(as.array.offarray) whether to create extra dimnames for indices that used to have offsets.

which, i

if only certain dimensions are of interest to firstel/lastel/dimrange/dimseq. Default is to return results for all dimensions. firstel( x, "Sex") strips the names attribute of the result, and is preferable to firstel( x)[ "Sex"] if the assignee might be used again in offarray— see Examples.


(in firstel<-) first index value for that dimension; will be coerced to integer, or NA to use base-R indexing for that dimension (subtly different to value=1).


only in dimseq and if length(which)==1, should a vector rather than list be returned?


(slindoff) an offarray


(slindoff) 1 for row, 2 for column, etc. Or, a string which matches into names( dimnames( offa)). Scalar only.


(whichoff) an R "test" expression containing a ., which will be evaluated for you after substituting the . with the first argument x. It should return a logical result. If you just passed in the evaluated test like you would with which, you'd lose the offsets; see Examples.


The first element of each index is stored in the offset attribute. This will be set to NA for indices with explicit dimnames, which is useful. It can also be NA for a dimension without dimnames where base-R indexing applies; you can do that via firstel(x,3)<-NA, or at creation by offarray(...,dimseq=list( character(5)),...). Sometimes the latter helps, but my advice is to avoid mixing offarray-style and base-R-style indices within the same object.


offarray returns, yes, an offarray; and returns a data.frame... firstel and lastel return vectors, named if the dimnames are too. dimrange returns a two-column matrices, with rows named according to dimnames. dimseq returns a list containing the indices each dimension, as character or integer; see also which and drop.'strguts.offarray' returns a string showing the dimension names and ranges— for use eg in a print method for something with an offarray component. slindoff returns an offarray of the same shape; the attributes preserved are dim, dimnames, offset, and class.


## Not fully checked!!
# Manual construction
test <- offarray( 1:6, first=c( X=3, Y=4), last=c( 5, 5))
#        Y
#  X      [,4] [,5]
#    [3,]    1 4
#    [4,]    2 5
#    [5,]    3 6
# Easier:
test2 <- offarray( 1:6, dimseq=list( X=3:5, Y=4:5))
# Easiest!
test3 <- offarray( 6:1, dimseq=dimseq( test))
## From a table:
set.seed( 1)
df <- data.frame( X=sample(  LETTERS[1:3], 5, TRUE), Y=sample( 8:10, 5, TRUE))
tab <- with( df, table( X, Y))
offo <- offarray( tab)
# reordered version of 'df', unless 'df' has duplicated rows
df2 <- offo, name_of_response='count')
# and back from data.frame to offarray
offo2 <- offarray( df2, 'count')
identical( offo, offo2)
## With explicit dimnames (offset disregarded for those indices)
# Next will fail because dimnamed dims must start at 1
try( test <- offarray( 1:6, first=c( X=3, Y=4), last=c( 5, 5), dimnames=list( NULL, c( 'A', 'b'))))
# This is OK:
test <- offarray( 1:6, first=c( X=3, Y=1), last=c( 5, 2), dimnames=list( NULL, c( 'A', 'b')))
# Or:
test <- offarray( 1:6, dimseq=list( X=3:5, Y=c( 'A', 'b')))
t( test)
#     X
#  Y   [,3] [,4] [,5]
#    A    1    2    3
#    b    4    5    6
#        Y
#  X      A
#    [3,] 1
# NB offset changes automatically if subsetting is consecutive:
#        Y
#  X      A b
#    [4,] 2 5
test[4,][4,] ## SAME!
#        Y
#  X      A b
#    [4,] 2 5
test[ SLICE=4,] # first dim dropped, as requested
#  Y
#  A b
#  2 5
test[3,1, nooff=TRUE] # loses offarrayness; NB row labels in printout
#        Y
#  X      A
#    [1,] 1
test[c(3,3), 1, nooff=TRUE]
#       Y
#  X      A
#    [1,] 1
#    [2,] 1
test[ NOOFF=c( 3,3),1 ] # same
try( test[c(3,3), 1]) # omitted NOOFF --- warning
# 1 vs NA offset
test1 <- offarray( 1:4, first=1, dim=4)
#   [2]
#     2
firstel( test1, 1) <- NA
# test1 looks exactly the same, but...
try( test1[2][2]) # OOB
test[ MATSUB=rbind( c( 3, 2), c( 3, 1), c( 5, 2))] # 4 1 6
test[ MATSUB=list( c( 3,5,5), c( 'b', 'A', 'b') )] # 4 3 6
test[ 3, 'A'] <- 999
test[ VECSUB=2] <- 17
## Disregarding that "4"--- NB using try() just to avoid RCMD CHECK nannyism :/
try( test[3,4])
# Error in structure(1:6, .Dim = structure(c(3L, 2L), .Names = c("X", "Y" :  subscript out of bounds
## Without try(), you'd see this:
# Error in 1:6[1, 4, drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds
## Y-offset is really 1
#      Y
# X      b
#   [3,] 4
## still an array
## ... but Y is probably meant to be referred to "by character"
#      Y
# X      b
#   [3,] 4
## Dropping single-element dimensions:
test[ 3, SLICE='b']
#  X
#  [3,]
#     4
## ie from a 2D to a 1D offarray
test[ SLICE=3, SLICE='b']
#  [1] 4
## ie full drop
firstel( test)
#  X Y
#  3 1
firstel( test, 'X')
#  [1] 3
## no name
dimrange( test)
#    [,1] [,2]
#  X    3    5
#  Y    1    2
dimseq( test, 1)
# [1] 3 4, 5
## Collapsors: see also autoloop()
# sumover() always returns an offarray...
sumover( test, 'Y')
sumover( test, 2)
sumover( test, 2)[5] # fine
# ... but apply() doesn't quite work
apply( test, 1, sum) # NB index definition is oppposite for apply!
# ... not actually an offarray
try( apply( test, 1, sum)[5])
# ... to apply() something other than sum() (for which, use sumover)
# ... and to keep offarrayness, do this:
ds <- dimseq( test)
apptest <- apply( test, 1, sum)
apptest <- offarray( apptest, dimseq=ds[ 1])
## Converters
flubbo <- table( X=c( 1, 1, 3), Y=c( 'A', 'B', 'A'))
offarray( flubbo)
## That's OK: it figures out that X=2 is also wanted
#        Y
#  X      A B
#    [1,] 1 1
#    [2,] 0 0
#    [3,] 1 0
## But if no observations at the end of a range...
flubbo2 <- table( X=c( 1, 1), Y=c( 'A', 'B'))
offarray( flubbo2)
## ... X=2 and X=3 are missing (of course)
## So let's make sure it includes them:
offarray( flubbo2, dimseq=list( X=1:3, Y=c( 'A', 'B')) )
#        Y
#  X      A B
#    [1,] 1 1
#    [2,] 0 0
#    [3,] 0 0
## And test the trimming facility
offarray( flubbo2, dimseq=list( X=2:3, # X=1 will be discarded
    Y=c( 'A', 'B')), warn_trim=TRUE)
# ... warning
slindoff( test, 'X')
#        Y
#  X      A b
#    [3,] 3 3
#    [4,] 4 4
#    [5,] 5 5
slindoff( test, 2)
## NB no offset operational since dimnames()[[2]] is non-empty
#        Y
#  X      A b
#    [3,] 1 2
#    [4,] 1 2
#    [5,] 1 2
whichoff( test>4) # unlike which( test>4, arr.ind=T)
## NB obvious approach *doesn't* work:
whichoff( test>4) # loses offsets, cos 'test>4' just returns arrayi

Like expand.grid but a few rows at a time


expand.grid can produce a overgigantic object, so you can instead call partial_expand_dot_grid repeatedly in a loop to generate the "next" lot of rows.


partial_expand_dot_grid( dots, n = prod(lengths(dots)), already = 0, force_data.frame = FALSE, switch_var=0)



list of expandees. Unlike expand.grid, you have to put them explicitly into a list, rather than using ... facility.


how many rows to produce this time. Defaults to all remaining rows. If you overflow the "natural" size of the grid, it will cycle back to the start, and will always give you n rows.


how many rows in previous runs (default 0, for the first time).


whether to convert the result to a data.frame, or leave it as a list. The latter might be fine if you just want an environment to evaluate expressions in, or to use for MATSUB= subsetting in offarray. Note that conversion will enforce stringsAsFactors=FALSE because I hate the alternative.


if non-0, then an attribute will be added showing the rows where the switch_var-th expandee changed value.


expand.grid( A=1:3, B=4:5)
partial_expand_dot_grid( list( A=1:3, B=4:5), force=TRUE) # the same, thanks to defaults
partial_expand_dot_grid( list( A=1:3, B=4:5), n=6, already=0, force=TRUE) # explicit defaults
partial_expand_dot_grid( list( A=1:3, B=4:5), n=3, already=2)

Parallel min and max


Just like base-R pmax and pmin , except that my ones work properly with offarray :/ so that pmax(offar,0) will return an offarray of the same dimension as offar. Note that pmax(0,offar) will return a vector, as per base::pmax (attributes of the return-value are based on the first argument).


This is a pretty ugly fix, to necessitate a special-case like this. A theoretically-better option might be to make pmax/pmin into S3 generics in offarray, but since they are already in some sense S4-aware, I didn't want to accidentally mess that up; also, functions with dotdotdot args are awkward with S3 anyway, viz cbind. It's possible that this could all be handled "gracefully" by making offarray S4 and doing some wizardry, but I hate S4 and don't want to get embroiled in it just to fix bugs in other packages that might still manifest anyway. A simple option is base::pmax( unclass( offar), 0) but of course that does not return an offarray, which I think pmax should.


pmax(..., na.rm = FALSE)
pmin(..., na.rm = FALSE)


..., na.rm

as per base::pmax (qv), a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.


If the first argument is an offarray, and the return-value from uncompiled base pmax/pmin is of the same length (ie the first element wasn't auto-replicated), then the result is an offarray with the same attributes. If not, the result is whatever base-R gives (without compilation).


dumbo <- offarray( 1:4, dim=c( 2, 2), first=c( 3, 5))
try( base::pmax( 0, dumbo))
#Error in (function (sub, this_offset, ii, e)  :
#  in offarray, logical subsets must match length of object's dimension
try( base::pmax( dumbo, 0))
#Error in `[<-.offarray`(`*tmp*`, change, value = numeric(0)) :
#  Wrong number of indices
# 1D case
dumbo <- offarray( 1:2, dim=2, first=3)
try( base::pmax( 0, dumbo))
# [1] 1 2
# ... sorta works (!), but loses offarrayness
pmax(dumbo, 0)
# [3] [4]
#   1   2
# yahooo!

Prepare offarray code for RTMB etc


Suppose you have offarray-using code that computes a log-likelihood or suchlike, based on parameters. And you've debugged it, well done! Now you would like to also run under package RMTB, say (or some other hypothetical package where the "parameters" might not just be "numbers"). To make things work nicely, you just wrap the body of your code in a call to reclasso, like this:

  myfun <- function( parzzz, <...>) reclasso(by=parzzz, {
    <old code of myfun>

This will have no effect if you just run myfun in R normally, so you don't need to keep modifying your code when you do/don't want to use it with RTMB etc.

But if parzzz has a specific class— eg if called from RTMB::MakeADFun, then parzzz will be class "advector"— then a special form of reclasso gets called, to pre-tweak your code so it works nicely with that class. (For RTMB package, it has to modify addition, multiplication, etc, plus REPORTO, and to tweak environments.) This behaviour depends on having loaded an appropriate "helper" library, which for RTMB is the offartmb package.

If you are annoyed by having to wrap your code like that, you can abbreviate it to this:

  myfun <- function( parzzz, <...>) {<old code>} |> reclasso( by=parzzz)


The main reason for reclasso is that R's multiple-dispatch rules for addition etc simply don't work right, unless you go to great lengths with S4. Which sounds like a lot of work for me, and I'm not sure it's even guaranteed to work fully without hacking, since package RTMB is of necessity quite hacky itself. Instead, I have implemented my own versions of "+" etc which do dispatch correctly, taking account of and preserving "offarray" and/or "advector" etc classes. So the trick is to replace calls to base-R "+" etc, with calls to my more culturally-attuned versions.

[Note, primarily to my future self] There are tedious internal nuances with dispatching when the parameters are a list (which RTMB allows, basically unlisting them for you) and which method gets picked up. The bottom line is that it works, but e.g. quite why I had to define a reclasso.numeric instead of reclasso.default is a mystery to me. But ultimately I don't really care, and you shouldn't either.

Oh, and the reasons that I don't just provide a replacement for MakeADFun that auto-does this, are:

  • because this notion might eventually be used not with the RTMB package but with something else, so I didn't want to tie it in (no idea what, this is just a note)

  • your function might call other functions you wrote, all of which need their own reclasso.

So it's better for it to be your responsibility to add reclasso calls to your functions as needed. Calling reclasso costs almost nothing run-time-wise, BTW.


## Never use it from the command line!
## Only use it as a wrapper for function code,
## EG if your original function looks like this, and
## 'p' might be modified by some callers:
#   myorigfun <- function( p, otherpars) {<body>}
## then either of
#  myfun <- function( p, otherpars) reclasso( by=p, {<body of myfun})
#  myfun <- function( p, otherpars) {<body>} |> reclasso(by=p)
reclasso( expr, by, ...)



Code of your function


What variable to look at, to decide whether expr needs to be pre-modified before evaluation. Expected use-case is for by to be a vector of parameters.


Possibly required by some methods


## Not run:

## End(Not run)

Subsetting offarrays


These are subset (extraction) and replacement functions for the class offarray. You would normally call x[...] directly, rather than subset(x,...), but the latter is a convenient place for documentation!

Although I have tried to write them as efficiently as possible, there is unavoidable overhead compared to base-R let alone raw C. In particular, there is AFAIK no safe way to avoid a deep-copy during any subset-replacement, except for "classless" objects. So, every time you try to change one single element of an offarray with 1e8 elements, you will trigger a "deep copy" of the whole thing. Therefore you should avoid as far as possibly writing for-loops to do replacements. Instead, use autoloop; it's fast and memory-efficient.

Special features of subset extraction

There are a few tricks on subset-extraction. Normally you use anonymous indices, eg x[i,,3:7], but you can optionally name each index with one of the values "SLICE" or "NOOFF", eg:

  x[ 7, 5, c(8,7,6)] # 3D offarray, with warning
  x[ SLICE=7, SLICE=5, NOOFF=c(8,6)] # 1D offarray, no warning
  x[ 7, 5, c( 8, 6), drop=T, nooff=T] # same
  x[ 7, 5, c( 8, 6), drop=c(T,T,F), nooff=c(F,F,T)] # more of same

Naming particular indices is usually more convenient than using the vector-forms of the arguments drop and nooff.


## S3 method for class 'offarray'
subset(x, ..., VECSUB, MATSUB, drop=FALSE, nooff=FALSE) # S3 method for offarray
## S3 method for class 'offarray'
x[..., VECSUB, MATSUB, drop = FALSE, nooff = FALSE] # S3 method for offarray
## S3 replacement method for class 'offarray'
x[..., VECSUB, MATSUB] <- value  # S3 method for offarray



thing to subset or subset-assign


subset indices. For extraction only, each of these can have special names.


standard R "vector subset" (even for multidimensional offarray), either logical with the same length as x, or numeric. Offsets are ignored, so the first element of x is always 1 here. Negative indices are allowed, but not 0, NA, or beyond the length of the object.


standard R "matrix subset of array", respecting offsets, except that MATSUB does not have to be a numeric matrix, but can also be a data.frame or list with character elements for dimensions with non-null dimnames.


whether to drop dimension(s) that end up with length-1 after extraction. Either a logical vector of length dim(x), or a logical scalar which will be replicated to that length. drop is overridden by naming indices. drop elements are over-ridden to TRUE by any indices that are named "SLICE".


whether to abandon the offset for dimension(s). nooff should either be a logical vector of length dim(x), or a logical scalar which will be replicated to that length. You would only want to set nooff if you are deliberately extracting a non-consecutive subset from soem dimension(s). R will do the extraction regardless, but will warn if a non-consecutive subset is used without the corresponding element of nooff being set to TRUE. nooff elements are over-ridden to TRUE by any indices that are named NOOFF.


the value...


Both subset and subset-replacement methods use similar trickery, to avoid unnecessary deep-copies. The typical operation of an S3 method is to call NextMethod after modifying the arguments, but this can't be done directly for any ... arguments. And re-calling the generic leads to deep-copies. So I modify the arguments, set a special flag, then use Recall; the code checks for the special flag first, and if so calls NextMethod. That seems to work and to be byte-compiler-robust, fortunately.

Previous versions of offarray did not work properly when the byte-compiler was in use, because of truly obscure features in the latter (p73 of the manual, and the manual is not exactly easy to find...).


Subset-extraction will return an offarray unless the result is length-1 and drop or nooff has been set/over-ridden, in which case a scalar will result. Dimensions of length-1 are dropped iff SLICE or drop is set for those dimensions. When non-consecutive elements are extracted from a dimension, the offset of the result will be set to NA in that dimension, so that that dimension behaves just like base-R in further subsetting.

See Also

offarray, autoloop


## See ?offarray